New Field As Well As Artifacts: Thanks To Elaine & Albion Online

For the first update of Albion Online, yesterday, it has been launched since the MMORPG has reached the final beta phase. Around the Highlands, it expands the Berlin-based online game, Guardian Fraction have also been introduced, what’s more, it can allow you to creat new weapons as well as equipment. Of course, a new area, what this means is that new animals and opponents, who were also integrated into Albion Online with “Elaine”. Many players are dedicated to buy cheapest albion online silver.


Since the beginning of August, Albion Online has reached the final beta, players of the MMORPG had to wait patiently for new content. Yesterday the wait was over: with “Elaine”, the German development studio Sandbox Interactive Albion Online is expanding around the Hochl? a new area that you can explore in the game. The Highlanders are populated by the heretics and guardians’ fraction. How to experience Albion Online? you just need to buy albion silver.

The latter are a people of giants who are connected with nature and whose power comes from magic and animals. As the name suggests, the guardians see themselves as defenders of the forest they inhabit. If you explore the Highlanders in the search for stone, ore and wood, you should be prepared to be attacked by the guardians. In addition to the highlands, the guardians also inhabit the forest biomass – an area that has not yet been implemented in Albion Online.

In the Dungeons of the Guardians, you can find a total of 7 of the 28 new artefacts. The remaining 21 artefacts must be captured by the Demons fraction. The new artifacts include 20 new weapons, 4 items for the side hand, and 4 armor sets. With “internal bleeding” as well as buffs for crossbows, new spells with “Elaine” have come into play. Also included in the update are new animals that will populate the swamp area in AlbionOnline, as well as bug fixes and minor balancing adjustments.

For the MMORPG Albion Online, it was originally intended to be released as a free-to-play title, nevertheless, it’ll be released as a buy-to-play for the release. Probably the successful founder packages, currently, regarding when will end of the beta, The Berlin company Sandbox Interactive hasn’t offer confirmed date or announce any statement. But, players have enough time to get cheap albion gold.

Author: coolyou